Tuesday, December 2, 2008

My first taste of reverse culture shock

Lovin' every minute of the classic Thanksgiving dinner dishes and the leftovers that go with the long, lazy weekend, but not so sure what to do with myself when the rush to go out and shop hit. Could be that I am successfully managing to keep the purse strings held tight until Eiji's visa procedures (including financial checks) go through (Especially with new that my IRAs and mutual funds continue to look bleaker and bleaker). Could be that I am just a scrooge and heartless sister/daughter/mom who keeps convincing our family that we don't need to do Christmas presents. Don't know what it is, but I can't get past the overload of consuming! There is too much to buy and too many easy places to buy it all! Too many things I might/could/shouldn't want to remember what I might actually need. After my friend took me out to see this already long line of midnight camped out die-hard Black Friday shoppers, I have to admit that when I was I found myself in the shoe department of a Department store two days later and the announcement came that the boots marked 60% off in front were only going to be that price for another 15 minutes, I couldn't talk myself out of buying them. Might not take me much longer to re-acclimate myself after all!

久しぶりアメリカのThanksgivingを過ごして。一つのびっくり事あった。Thanksgivingは木曜日で、ほとんどの人はこの4日連休がある。そして、この週末は昔から勇名のChristmas買い物の始まり。金曜日は(どうして分からないけど)「Black Friday」と呼びます。この日の朝5時か7時から3〜4時間の大バーゲンがある。日本の福袋みたいに夜中から並びに行く人がいる。この写真は町の電気屋さんの前です。友達は「見に行こう」と言ったからちょっと近くの店まで見に行った。夜11:30頃で0℃で皆はテントか寝袋を持って並んでいます。待っている高校生に「何を買うつもり」と聞いたら、「分からない。友達と付き合っているだけ。」新聞の広告はすっごい!金曜日の午後はちょっとshopping centerに行ったら、物と人は多い過ぎで、Starbucksの缶コヒーしか買わなかった。次の日はまた違う所に行ったら、「朝のバーゲンは後15分」と言われたら、目の前の6割引のbootsはどうしても買ってしまいました。だて、もう直ぐ雪は絶対に降るからね。

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