Even my 4-year old daughter knows what Tuesday means. For us, it is our ritual weekly night out. Unless one of us is deathly ill, my husband, daughter and I spend every Tuesday evening at our friend's yatai restaurant downtown Kumamoto. Never know who will show up, but doesn't much matter. I don't have to cook and don't have to think about housework or school work. Tuesdays started as a farewell party for a business English class I was teaching, and has become a laid-back come one, come all, eat, drink or just stop in and say boo gathering of friends and friends of those friends. I have come home a few times and actually apologized to my husband for dressing like such a bum... I forget that we are downtown because the place has become our second home and I feel like I am kicking back in my own living room. Far away from my family in Montana, the Tuesday "Kayokai" gang deserves credit for being my weekly stress release, sounding board and support group. Some people do AA meetings, I get therapy enough sharing a drink with my KK group.
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