How do you know that a teacher really loves her job? When she is willing to dress up and act like a fool in front of all her students, their parent, and a handful of friends. I teach English to kids in my neighborhood at the local community center two evenings a week. This weekend was our 3rd annual Halloween Party, with 50 kids and their parents. Preparation exhausted me, but when it was all over, I couldn't help but feel that I am so blessed by the people that surround me! I taught my students the words "cute" and "scary" this month, pulling things like plastic lizards, frogs, Hello Kitty, and other odd toys from my daughter's toy box for them to judge as cute or scary. In this funky collage of fashion accessories, I got a generous half-and-half judgement when I asked all the kids, "So, do I look cute or scary today?" When parents are looming in the background, I am always doubly nervous teaching to a crowd. But this year, the kids' laughter and positive feedback from the parents gave me energy. Some moms let us roll them up with toilet paper to become Mummy Mommies, and this boy under the ghost sheet in my "Guess Who the Ghost Is Game" kept everyone laughing. THANK YOU kids and mummies! I am so lucky to get the chance to teach and play with you every week!
Later, a group of friends came to our house for a potluck dinner party. I enjoyed cooking for the first time in a long time! From the kitchen, I listened to the conversations of my friends becoming friends with other friends, and the laughter of our kids playing so well together. It was music to me ears, and I found myself again thinking about how lucky I am to be surrounded by so many good people. It reinforces what my friend T once told me, that the best way to find the right path to be walking is to surround yourself with positive, happy people. Its amazing how the positive energy reverberates when you do!
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