We just returned from Disney On Ice. I can't help think that we paid a lot of money to endure a 2 hour marathon of movie previews. Character after character paraded around the ice, waiting for kids to enthusiastically scream out their names. And when your kid doesn't know one of the characters, like a G.I.Joe soldier from Toy Story(?) or the fairy who gave Pinnochio life (I was shamed to embarrassment when I first said that she was Tinkerbell...forgive me, Walt!), are we supposed to rush out and rent that video so our child does not grow up to be Disney-dumb too? Granted, I grew up loving Disney movies and was a weekly viewer of the Sunday evening Disney program that came on after The Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kindom, another favorite. But, when I tried to show my young daughter some of the movies...thinking Disney would be ok for my two year old as a welcome alternative to Tellatubbies...I realized how scary and sad many of the movies are. Above all, where have all the positive women gone. Ever realized how many hero's or heroine's mothers have died, turned evil, been tortured or simple are never mentioned...Cinderella, Nemo, Snow White, Dumbo, Belle, Aurora, Ariel. And why are so many of the bad guys gals? Maybe my daughter is a little more receptive than some kids, but I didn't know quite know what to say when my 2 year old asked me why Cinderella's mommy died, and when was I going to die. I can't even remember what I told her, but I do know that I have been much more conscious about videos we rent these days. These days, she prefers the archives of Lizzie McGuire or Sponge Bob! Sorry, I shouldn't complain too much since the tickets to DOI were a present, but I will encourage her grandparents to spend the 17,400yen (160dollars for three tickets!) on something more worthwhile next time.
Finally got ya!
I was reading your diary with a dictionary in my left hand,(haha:->,good for my English study!)
It's so nice to know your thoughts and ideas about the things happening around us and also to know your "beautiful" memories that I've never heard☆
I'll be tracking on pieaces of your wonderful life, so がんばってね!
You have gotten a great start at blogging. I really enjoyed reading all of your posts this evening.
I am embarrassed that I have not posted on my blog in such a long time. I was hoping for some down time, but now realize that is not in my near future. At any rate, I hope to post soon as there is so much happening in our lives that I am sure family and friends would like to hear.
All is well here. We will move out of our house on the weekend and stay with friends until our house is ready.
Sounds as if things are well with you all. Love and hugs until next time.
Hope I can keep up the bloggin'. Eiji is so loyal about posting. 30 days they say is the time you need to put in to make something a habit. I will give it a try!
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