School started this week with new faces, a crazy mix of personalities, talents, and smiling faces. I'm still in 3rd grade, and Lucy is in 2nd. She is trying out our school's Montessori-style class, which combines 1st and 2nd graders. One young gal in her class has Type 1 Diabetes, and has to get her blood sugar tested before lunch every day. And on Wednesday, the class had a visit from a young gal who is bedridden and suffers from a sever immune deficiency disease. When everyone in the class is sickness-free, she will visit their classroom a couple days a week for a few hours. What a huge impression these two sweet girls made on Lucy her first week. More than any textbook, the little events in our lives and the interactions we have with people are the greatest education we receive, right?
火曜日から学校が始まった。この写真は小学校の玄関です。Lucyは2年生で私はまた3年生の担当。朝の早起きは大変でしたが教室に着いたらやっぱ楽しいね。子供は可愛い。色々な性格、能力、笑顔をみて面白い。 Lucyのクラスはメズラしいでモンテソリ式の1年生と2年生は一緒になっています。1人の子は糖尿病で昼休み前に血の検査しないといけない。後一人は大病持ちの子で寝っきりしてずっと点滴して、学校はたまにしか来れない。水曜日は学校に来て、Lucyはすごく感動して、大きいな印象を与えました。教科書より一日の生活と人の関係が一番勉強になるね。
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