Many people have politely reminded me how lazy I have gotten about keeping up on my blog, or how much better Eiji is at keeping his going. I have excuses galore for my laziness, but really, every time I sit down to write, our humdrum days don't seem very post-worthy. For the sake of our Japanese friends and family that wonder how our life here is, this is our typical day:
5:30a.m. I get up
6:00a.m. Lucy's first alarm goes off (We ease her into the morning with two snoozes!)
6:15a.m. If its morning shift for Eiji, he leaves for work, bento lunch in tow.
6:20a.m. Breakfast (anything from toast to eggs, to rice with furikake fish flakes)
6:55a.m. Lucy and I leave the house and drive 25 minutes to Bigfork Elementary. (I make Lucy listen to NPR news on the way... sometimes she gets a few more minutes of sleep in)
8:10a.m. The school day begins. I perform my one-man song, dance, and juggling act for 18 squirrelly 3rd graders.
3:20p.m. The big yellow school buses retrieve and return the kids to their rightful abodes and I spend a couple hours preparing for the next day.
4:15p.m. A few days a week now, I have managed to get some time at the gym. Lucy sometimes hangs out in the aerobics room and tells us how easy our moves look as we complain and wheeze.
5:30p.m. Home again. Many days, Eiji has a yummy, healthy dinner waiting for us. The days he is working evenings, Lucy and I throw something together.
7:00p.m. Our weekday evenings usually entail reading with Lucy, maybe watching a little Japanese television online, and getting ready for the next day.
8:30p.m. Lucy is in bed, and we follow in suit sooner or later.
10:45p.m. When Eiji has evening shift, he gets home late.
On weekends, we have no routine except Lucy's morning Netfllix routine. If we have no special plans, I like to sleep in a bit, so when the sunshine wakes Lucy up, she asks permission to get on the computer and watch some kiddy shows on Netflix (normally a weekend-only privilege), and then she wakes me up an hour later! We don't have a huge social circle yet, so our weekends are usually spent hanging out, running errands, ice skating, or watching movies. We are anxious for Spring and Summer to come around so we can get out on our bikes, try some fishing, and explore the hiking trails and lakes.
5:30a.m. 私が起きます。
6:00a.m. Lucyをお越し。実はベドから立ち上がるのは20分後。
6:15a.m. 栄二の仕事は朝晩なら、私たちより家に出る。弁当を持ってぼろいtruckで出発
6:20a.m. 朝ご飯。(簡単なパンか卵か振りかけごはん)
6:55a.m. 私とLucyは学校へ出発。25分のドライブ。車で朝のニューズを聞かせる。たまにLucyはまた寝る。
8:10a.m. 学校の1日は始まる。3年生のクラスでエンターテイナー見たいな感じで頑張って教えます。
3:20p.m. 大きい黄色バスが生徒さんを迎えに来て家に返します。それから2時間ほど次の日の準備をします。
4:15p.m. 最近は週2、3回にgymでトレーニングをします。
5:30p.m. 家に戻ります。栄二は休みか早番なら、夕ご飯を準備してくれる。この日は健康に美味しい。栄二はいない日は適当なご飯。
7:00p.m. 平日は宿題して、本読みして、そうしてたまに(日本語は忘れないように)パソコンで日本の子供テレビ番組を見せます。
8:30p.m. Lucyはベドへ。また本読みして寝ます。私と栄二の2人時間。
10:45p.m. 栄二は遅番の日、夜遅くて帰って来ます.