With a kindergardener in the house, our imagination is always challenged. My six year old likes to pretend, and we can often be caught "playing" shop, playing day care, playing fashion show, playing school....etc. It gets tiring, but it does keep her imagination alive and vocabulary expanding. Teaching all the folklore and (sometimes commercial or borderline religious) stories in school doesn't/does help. We have spent the past week hearing the tales of mischievous Larry Leprechaun, who is apparently raiding their classroom during recesses to look for gold. So, our homework for the weekend is to make a trap for L.L. First of all, how big is a lerechaun? Lucy says, the size of a potato !?!? Help! How do you catch a spud-size tricky gold-hunter?
While I am seeking advice, I am also actively seeking job interview advice. In Japan, sincerely, resumes and interviews were formalities secondary to connections. So, who I knew, and who could get me the "in" to a school or organization was all that mattered much. Now, I am sweating the details of resumes and interviews, not knowing exactly what to expect. Any advice? What interview questions would you throw at a prospective teacher?
今週はLucyの学校でSt.Patrick's Day (3月17日)を学んでいる。元々アイルランドのChristianの伝説で、金を探している妖精みたいな小人が人間のいたずらをする伝説。学校で子供が昼休みに行っている間、この小人(名前はLarryらしい)が教室にいたずらをしに来ているらしい。だから、週末の宿題はLarry君のワナを作れないといけない。どのぐらい小さいと聞いたら、「じゃがいもぐらい」って。どのワナを作ればいい?皆さんはadviceがあるなら、教えてね。
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