Lucy hasn't quite figured it out yet, but when we shop, if she can find something that I think might actually lead to some sincere physical or mind activity, I'm pretty willing to dish out a few bucks. Books are my greatest weakness, and Lucy's collection of books can attest to that. Luckily we have made the library here our new favorite hangout in town, so a few pennies saved there. Over the holidays, while we were looking for ice skates (NOT a cheap venture), we stumbled upon baseball gloves, left-over lefties, lucky us. Since we have been hitting the nerf ball around the garage a bit, I had her try one on to get a feel for it. "Cool, it fits perfect, can I buy it?" Mitts must be pretty pricey too, I expected, but when the sales price read $4.99, why sure! Now we just have to find a way to teach her to stop throwing like a girl!
Lucyはある程度は分かっている。私は基本にはおもちゃが買わない。買ったら、一週間であきるから。でも体か頭を使う者ならちょっと考える。特に本を買ってしまう。Lucyは本は持って過ぎぐらい。今は町の図書館が大好きになったから、良く行きます。節約だ。年末前にice skateを探しに行った時、野球のgloveを見つけた。ちょどLucyのサイズの左利き用のあった。最近はちょっと野球に興味があるみたいから「入って見て」と言った。「ちょうどいい。欲しい」と言われて。失敗したと思って。高いだろ。しかし、値段を見たら、時期はずれのセールで、$5(500円!)で。『今日は特別でいいよ」。。。ただ。。めちゃめちゃballを投げるのはヘタピ!パパは早く教えに来てね!
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