(Sorry about the fuzzy picture, but the puppy is in his doggy-years terrible twos and wouldn't sit still!) Next adventure was to visit cousin Amanda in Fukuoka last weekend. I was impressed with her new, huge apartment, but Lucy was taken by her new puppy, UNME (which means "Fate"). She was afraid of him at first, but after I threw him on her lap enough times, she realized he as just a living, breathing, licking teddy bear, and all she wanted to do was play with him. On the way home, I asked her if she wanted a puppy like Amanda's, and she said, "No, I don't want one like it, I want HERS! I wish I had been fast and got to the pet shop before her to buy it." We also went to the beach and polished up our suntans. Lucy lost her goggles and swim cap somewhere in a wave of water and sand that caught her by surprise. Great fun! We will try to get back to Amanda's place again before the summer is over!
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