Remember the bumble bee song? Sing that melody as you read on:
I'm shooting up a perfect target score.
Won't my Daddy be so proud of me.
I'm shooting up a perfect target score.
Today, a group of our friends visited the Kumamoto Shooting Range where one of our friends has landed a new job. You need a license to do most of the serious shooting stuff, but we were able to do laser target shooting. Guess who had the best score? Me! I never scored a perfect 100, but got one round of 9 perfect 10s and one 9 for a total of 97 points! My friend Mako claims in must be in my blood...either my father's genes or simply the air and water we breathe and drink being raised in Montana.
Funny that I enjoyed it so much, because I am usually the biggest whiner about not playing with guns. I won't let my daughter even touch a play gun, and constantly reprimand my nephews if they point anything that half resembles a gun at any person. When my university students ask me about America's love of guns, I diplomatically talk about the safety standards my father, brother and boy friends went through to get guns for hunting, but also have real life stories of people I know who had gun accidents and death. I also got dumped really early my senior year of prom because my date wanted to get in a few hours of shut-eye before going hunting the next morning. No hard feelings though, Bill!
It really was a fun day. Thanks for the invite, Ai!
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