Just in the last year, I have become disenchanted with so many things. My list includes organized religion, education and politics. Yet, in the same breath, these three things are what fascinate me most. Don't get me started, or this blog entry will be a mile long. What I am really bothered with this season is the commercialism of Christmas. Japan is an amazing place for this! Stores here probably simultaneously (or even a few hours earlier if you consider the time zone time lag) took down Halloween decorations and filled every shelf and advertisement with Christmas images and marketing. My favorite morning radio program has tossed out the questions, "Got you Christmas shopping done yet?" or "What will you eat for Christmas dinner?" and loads of listeners called in with their "Don't know what to buy for my husband," and "Our family's tradition is Kentucky Fried Chicken, champagne, and chocolate eclairs." It makes me lose my enthusiasm and appetite for the holidays. So, my poor family in America had to hear me whine about not wanting to buy Christmas presents. I don't like to mad rush of shopping malls like I used to, and I can't bear to think that I am adding to this marketing frenzy. So, apologies to my family. I would pay anything to be with you over the holidays...but I'm holding out for Hawaii in March!
I have such amazing memories of our family Christmases at Grandpa Eccleston's house, and opening stockings by the fireplace in my childhood home. I guess it is time to create new traditions that will be just as meaningful for my daughter, and fitting for what this season means to me now. I will keep you posted!
1 comment:
Dear Michelle,
I sent you a long essay on this subject, but somehow it never appeared. Maybe just as well as I was a little down on Christmas myself. It's hard to "feel" like it is even happening as we see palm trees decorated and Santa on a surf board.Hopefully when John's family arrives it will be better, and maybe that's the point.Christmas sets aside a time for us to let others know we love them. But If we do it all year long, than Christmas doesn't have to be the end all. I think Jesus would be shaking His head and saying, "Thanks for remembering my birthday, but I would much rather that you remember what I said 33 tears later, and that is, "Love One Another". So you can feel good Michelle in that you do show others you love them all year long. I feel so blessed when I think of what a beautiful person you have turned out to be, and am not surprized by your questioning the madness. We all should.
Well I hope you survive the hecticness and just know that we are thinking of you and wishing we could share it together !!Love Ya, MOM
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