This week in my university English classes, we have been debating which is better, Japan or the USA. I asked students to prepare questions to ask me, and also to brainstorm 10-15 words that first come to mind when they think of the USA. From the 6 classes I had this week, I would have to say the most mentioned words were:
Hamburgers ... Melting Pot... Statue of Liberty... Guns... Freedom... Hollywood... George Bush... MBA,MLB,and NFL... Big Scale
One of the questions that was asked in every class was, "Which country is more comfortable to live in?" I have a hard time answering this question. For most people, I would say that America is an easier place to live because of our freedoms. In Japan, there are definite expectations about how you should act...at school, at the workplace, anywhere in public. Of course, Japan has their fair share of independently minded people who don't care about fitting the norm, but the expectations certainly exist. I, in many ways, as a foreigner, am lucky in the sense that I am not expected to fit this mold. I have lived here long enough and learned enough to understand in most situations how people are expected to act, so when it is beneficial to me, I follow suit, talk the talk and bow the bow. But, when I don't agree, or just plain don't want to do something, I have my Gaijin/foreigner trump card that allows me to do things my own way and get away with it. So, in a way, I am living an American-ish lifestyle here. My students, or my own husband, being Japanese with no good excuse no to be, have to do the synchronized dance no matter what. Granted, the USA has its own fair share of stereotypes and narrow minded thinking, but there is clearly more room for being different and stepping out of any pre-formed stereotypes.
For now, I am enjoying my life in Japan, especially days like this when I get to do a bit of crashing of the minds; confrontation that helps us all to grow!
1 comment:
Dear Michelle,
I suppose one of my favorite parts of your blog is the pictures. It was great to see Lucy. Her hair is getting so long. Do we have bangs or are they still growing out?
Interesting comment about the USA being a melting pot. I think it depends on where you live.(New York of course yes!) I realize how few minorities we have in Montana. Hawaii is truly the meting pot !! There are so many beautiful people here I think. Of course many are native Hawaiian, but you really see many others as this is a major tourist spot where everyone likes to come.I see fewer Middle Easterners here however.
Besides the different cultures, what I really see is the difference between the rich and the poor. Because of the climate I suppose it lends itself to many street people who can just live in tents or even on the beach. Most residents are involved in the tourist industry so they need to cater to those who can afford to come here, and yet not really make a huge salary at their job. Housing is so expensive so I don't see how many young people ever get ahead. I am pleasantly surprised at most of the prices for food, etc, but we don't go out to eat much which is expensive if you go other than fast food.
It is interesting to live here versus visiting here off a cruise ship.I wonder if all the islands have the same spirit?
We drove yesterday to the farthest point north, and then came down away from the coast for awhile. So beautiful! It looked like Ireland. So green with grass going straight up the hills as if they were golf courses instead of just regular fields.You will love seeing this.
Well I better go. Talk to you again soon. Love, MOM
PS. I think I wrote a comment on the other entry but I must not have pushed the submit button or something as I see it didn't appear.!
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