Can't help but be reminiscent about Michael Jackson. My family didn't have cable tv, so the only MTV fix I could get was at a friends house. My mother's generation asks the historical question, "Where were you when you heard the news that JFK was shot?" Just last month, a friend and I were asking our own historic 80's questions of, "What was the first cassette tape you ever owned?" (mine was Billy Joel's Innocent Man), and "When and where did you first see the MJ Thriller video?" It was sixth grade, and I raced with 3 of my friends to KS's house after school to watch MTV's 4:00 showing of the video. Last month, while we were reminiscing, my friend and I showed our kids all our favorite classic videos via YouTube and even watched a How-to-Moonwalk tutorial 3 or 4 times until we all half mastered it.
My most memorable MJ story was getting tickets to go see his Black and White concert at the Fukuoka Dome in Japan in 1993. I joined a group of Japanese friends who waited in line overnight outside a department store to get tickets to the concert. We got tickets very near the stage and had a blast. The Japanese Michael impersonators wandering around the concert hall were also amazing, I remember. Cheers to these memories and the friends who were there with me!
今週のニューズでMIchael Jacksonの死亡を聞いてびっくりした。色な思い出が読みがえた。私の時代はYouTubeではなくって、MTVの時代だた。ウチの両親の時代には「JFKが暗殺した日、何をしたか?』を聞く。一ヶ月前に同じ80代に育った友達は「初めてMichael JacksonのThriller videoはいつちとどこで見た?』を聞た。私は小学校6年生の時でした。ある日は学校が終わって、友達の家まで走った帰った。4:00の放送はぎりぎりに間に合って興奮した。この前は友達とそのvideoをYouTubeで子供達にみせて、Moonwalkを教えてくれるvideoも見て練習した。