Sunday, February 22, 2009
Do people really care about Brad and Jenny? This stumps me every time I go through the check out at the grocery store!
Nostalgic, but not quite right
Lucy and I went into Missoula for some shopping, and decided to try out the Japanese-Korean restaurant that was so highly recommended to us by several people. On the restaurant 5-star scale, I gave it 3 stars, Lucy 2, and I would venture to say Eiji would have trouble giving it 1. Here is our critique:
1. The rice. Japan has made me a bit of a rice snob, and after just one bite, Lucy said "this rice is too mushy and has too much sour (vinegar)." I agreed, precisely.
2. The sushi. Again, we were spoiled in Japan. Even the sushi at our favorite Dollar Sushi Bar in Japan was twice the size of these $5 sushi. Lucy was happy to have Maguro (tuna), and happy that they automatically serve the wasabi on the side here.
3. Tempura. Yummy, we both agreed...except that Lucy preferred Japanese veggies over peppers, carrots and zucchini.
4. Pot stickers. Yummy!
5. Miso soup. Too thin.
6. Salad. This is where we most disagreed. They had an amazing cucumber-fruit salad with sweet and sour sauce that I could have eaten three servings of. Lucy, and her father surely would agree, didn't like fruit interrupting her veggies.
7. Restaurant ambiance. Decor was simple and cool, and at 6:30 on a Friday evening, the place was packed. We were disappointed to learn, however, that this Korean-Japanese restaurant's main chef was neither Japanese nor Korean, but Philipino.
8. Price. Worth it for the nostalgia, but too pricey to justify not making it ourselves the way we like it.
Lucy and I went into Missoula for some shopping, and decided to try out the Japanese-Korean restaurant that was so highly recommended to us by several people. On the restaurant 5-star scale, I gave it 3 stars, Lucy 2, and I would venture to say Eiji would have trouble giving it 1. Here is our critique:
1. The rice. Japan has made me a bit of a rice snob, and after just one bite, Lucy said "this rice is too mushy and has too much sour (vinegar)." I agreed, precisely.
2. The sushi. Again, we were spoiled in Japan. Even the sushi at our favorite Dollar Sushi Bar in Japan was twice the size of these $5 sushi. Lucy was happy to have Maguro (tuna), and happy that they automatically serve the wasabi on the side here.
3. Tempura. Yummy, we both agreed...except that Lucy preferred Japanese veggies over peppers, carrots and zucchini.
4. Pot stickers. Yummy!
5. Miso soup. Too thin.
6. Salad. This is where we most disagreed. They had an amazing cucumber-fruit salad with sweet and sour sauce that I could have eaten three servings of. Lucy, and her father surely would agree, didn't like fruit interrupting her veggies.
7. Restaurant ambiance. Decor was simple and cool, and at 6:30 on a Friday evening, the place was packed. We were disappointed to learn, however, that this Korean-Japanese restaurant's main chef was neither Japanese nor Korean, but Philipino.
8. Price. Worth it for the nostalgia, but too pricey to justify not making it ourselves the way we like it.
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Visited Helena this weekend, the town I did some really fun, and really stupid things. Going over McDonald pass, my head was spinning with flashbacks. I think I WOULD actually go back to that part of my life.
Saturday, February 14, 2009

I actually am taking the day off to go to a kindergarten Valentine's party today. Ya, I'm not sure that makes sense either... I'll report back later about any inspiration found there.
Being away from Eiji My Love (which is how I've typed him into all my email and phone address books...), and watching my daughter get excited about delivering her High School Musical Valentines (now with little temporary tattoos attached!?!?), I was trying to remember any super exciting Valentines Days I've had. Yesterday at the drug store, looking for printer ink, I also saw a sweet row of 4 men searching through Valentine cards. I will make a Montana-fashion-biased guess that 3 of them were farmers/ranchers and the other a banker. Eiji-M-L doesn't get very excited about gifts or mushy cards, so after one attempt at a Valentine's Day scavenger hunt that produced no big fireworks one year, we usually settle for sharing chocolates and red wine (which we do on non-occasions regularly too BTW.) Not complaining...but a tad jealous and missing EML (which will be remedied with the usual choco-wine trick).
Monday, February 9, 2009
Thursday, February 5, 2009
I Touched Her Today!
I woke up having dreamt of her, super-sized and fluorescent green. So, when I saw her again this morning, I drew up the courage and touched her. It wasn't so bad after all...and I think I will grow to like her.
See below!
See below!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Meeting the creatures of 5th grade Science

I've been playing science teacher all week. The kids are great, but I keep getting wigged out every time I turn around and am greeted by creatures big and small, dead and alive. Meet the biggest of the live creatures, Peaches. You can only see a bit of her here, but when she stretches across her cage, from head to tail she is a yard long. The kids pet and play with her, and she apparently usually gets a walk around the hall most days. She stays in the cage on my watch!
今週は5年生の理科教室にバイトしています。先生の代わりに4日間は授業しています。学生は良い子ばっかりで楽けどボウットしている時、びっくりしています。小さい物、大きい物、生きている物、死んでいる物はあちこちにあります。この子は一番大きい生き物。名前なPeaches /モモちゃん。頭から尻尾までは1メートルあります。学生は触ったりえさを与えたりします。普通は廊下で散歩もしているみたい。ごめんね,Peachesちゃん、私がいる間は散歩なし。
More classroom ambiance
Monday, February 2, 2009
What I like/ What I miss

I've been back in the states almost 2 months now. I wish I could say that time flies, but it has been a terribly long two months. Friends who have made the same move have asked me if I am experiencing reverse culture shock yet, but I honestly can't tell. I am happy with where I am, physically and mentally, but a little anxious to taking the next jump forward into a full time job, house hunting and decorating, and time alone with my my husband and daughter. And leave my laid-back part time work, my parasitic living conditions that include free babysitting, and have to get dressed up for an evening out on the town? Maybe the reverse culture shock has hit me harder than I thought!
Today my parents asked me if I am missing anything in Japan besides my husband. I have 4 big ones: food, friends, the absence of talk about religion, and the anonymity of the city. What I like about being here: family, food, my daughter's enthusiasm for school, the energy of young people, and the local public library.
アメリカに来てそろそろ2ヶ月になります. 早かったと言いたいですが、そうではない。長かった。旦那は4月に来る予定と思えば、ただ半分ぐらい。海外に長く住んだ事ある人はたまに聞きます「逆CULTURE SHOCKになった?」。。。分からない。今はこの場所にいる事、そしてこの生活変化を決めた事は嬉しい。でも次に待っている事。。。仕事探し、家探し、家族3人でゆっくり出来る事。楽しみけどちょっと不安もあるな。だて、今はチョウ楽なバイトしてうるし、Parasite Singleではないけど両親のParasiteになっていると言えるかも、そして娘のタダの子守りもある。逆CULTURE SHOCKはまだ今後に待っているかもね。
今日は両親が「What do you miss about Japan」を聞いた。旦那いがいには4つの事ある:1)友達 2)食べ物 3)宗教の話は出ない会話 4)大きい町の匿名性。 今アメリカの好きなところ:1)家族 2)食べ物 3)勉強は熱心になた娘の姿 4)若者の元気さ4)図書館。
Lucy's first play date
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