Today, three beautiful English babes left Kumamoto to return to England. Tyler, Sophia and Millie, we already miss you dearly! This past few weeks, I can't count the number of times Lucy and I have been to the house, sometimes to help clear out some of the excess belongings, but mostly to hang out and stock up on the positive energy that fills their house. As we mingled with the countless friends that came to their farewell party this past weekend, I vowed to myself that my own house has to become like theirs...a place where everyone is welcome anytime. On any given Saturday night, there was often a handful of girls over for a pajama party, and their house was always a place where, at the last minute, you could call up and say, "Can I come over?" and you wouldn't expect anything else but, "Of course you can," for an answer. Now, I hope when I email them in England in a couple years and say, "Can we come over and crash on your sofa?" we will get the same answer! Until then, Tyler, we await news of your new adventures and look forward to when we can get a refill of your happy juice!